Class 12 Compulsory English Model Question with Solutions - 2079 (New Syllabus, CDC) NEB Board Exam


Class 12 Compulsory English Model Question with Solutions - 2079 (New Syllabus, CDC) NEB Board Exam

Class 12 Compulsory English Model Question with Solutions - 2079 (New Syllabus, CDC) NEB Board Exam

Compulsory English

Model Question Solutions

Grade 12 (New course)

Full Marks : 75                                                                                                              Time : 3 hrs

Attempt all the questions.

1. Read the text and do the activities that follow. [15]

Nowadays most people realise that it's risky to use credit card numbers online. However, from time to time, we all use passwords and government ID numbers on the Internet. We think we are safe, but that may not be true! A new kind of attack is being used by dishonest people to steal IDs and credit card numbers from innocent web surfers. This new kind of attack is called "phishing." Phishing sounds the same as the word "fishing" and it implies that a thief is trying to lure people into giving away valuable information. Like real fishermen, phishers use bait in the form of great online deals or services. For example, phishers might use fake emails and false websites to con people into revealing credit card numbers, account usernames, and passwords. They imitate well-known banks, online sellers, and credit card companies. Successful phishers may convince as many as five percent of the people they contact to respond and give away their personal financial information. Is this really a big problem? Actually, tricking five percent of the online population is huge! Currently, more than 350 million people have access to the Internet, and seventy five percent of those Internet users live in the wealthiest countries on Earth. It has been estimated that phishers send more than three billion scam messages each year. Even by tricking only five percent of the people, phishers can make a lot of money. Since there is so much money to make through this kind of scam, it has caught the interest of more than just small-time crooks. Recently, police tracked down members of an organized phishing group in Eastern Europe, who had stolen hundreds of thousands of dollars from people online. The group created official-looking email messages requesting people to update their personal information at an international bank's website. However, the link to the bank in the message actually sent people to the phishers' fake website. To make matters worse, further investigation revealed that this group had connections to a major crime gang in Russia. How can innocent people protect themselves? Above all, they have to learn to recognise email that has been sent by a phisher. Always be wary of any email with urgent requests for personal financial information. Phishers typically write upsetting or exciting, but fake, statements in their emails so that people will reply right away. Also, messages from phishers will not address recipients by name because they really don't know who the recipients are yet. On the other hand, valid messages from your bank or other companies you normally deal with will typically include your name.

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 A. Choose the correct answer. [5x1=5]

a) 'Some dishonest people try to steal other people's credit card numbers. What does 'dishonest' mean here?

i) truthful

ii) having honesty

iii) untruthful

  • untruthful

b) When the box is delivered, you should open it.......................

i) track down

ii) right away

iii) con into

  • right away

c) The comedian can imitate the voice of the president well. Here the word imitate' is synonymous with the word.................

i) convince

ii) copy

iii) change

  • copy

d) What can I do to convince you that I'm not lying?" Here the word 'convince' is opposite to.................

i) persuade

ii) induce

iii) dissuade

  • persuade

e) Phishers send more than three billion scam messages each year. What does 'scam' mean?

i) an illegal trick, usually to steal money

ii) a thing used to attract or tempt

iii) needing immediate attention

  • an illegal trick, usually to steal money


B. Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the list. [0.5x10 = 5]

financial, private, gangs, Internet, lure, tracked, convince, wary, risky, crooks

Giving personal information over the Internet has always been.........., now it's even more so with the new..............scam, phishing. Phishers first but.................innocent people into a scam by making up fake emails. With this bait, they..............some of the people they contact to give away...........information. These Internet criminals are not just small-time...................... Police investigations have recently................... down organised phishing groups in Eastern Europe with connections to crime............... in Russia. People must be..............of any urgent emails requesting................information.

Answers :

Giving personal information over the Internet has always been risky now it's even more so with the new internet scam, phishing. Phishers first but lure innocent people into a scam by making up fake emails. With this bait, they convince some of the people they contact to give away private information. These Internet criminals are not just small-time crooks Police investigations have recently tracked down organised phishing groups in Eastern Europe with connections to crime gangs in Russia. People must be wary of any urgent emails requesting financial information.


C. Answer the following questions.[5x1=5]

a) What is the main purpose of the reading?

Ans:- The main purpose of this reading is to alert innocent web surfers about a new kind of attack by dishonest people which is called Phishing.

b) To which activity is phishing compared?

Ans:- Phishing is compared with the activity of fishing where a fisherman lure fish by applying bait in hook.

c) What is implied about the people who get caught in phishing scams?

Ans:- The people who get caught in phishing scams must wary about future cheats by scammers and try to aware others.

d) Who was behind the Eastern European phishing scam?

Ans:- Members of an organized phishing group was behind the Eastern European phishing scam.

e) What could be the suitable title of this text?

Ans:- The suitable title of this text could be "Awareness and Acts against Phishers".


2. Give short answers to the following questions: [2×5= 10]

a. How did Evan and Hooker know about the treasure? (The treasure in the Forest)

Ans:- Evan and Hooker had known about the treasure that was buried and protected by Chang-hi in a secret place while the Chinese man was having the chit chat with his three friends in the jungle. The Chinese men were talking about the treasure in an English accent in front of a roaring fire. Evans and Hooker sneaked up behind them and eavesdropped on their plot to locate the hidden treasure.


b. Why did the writer dislike school? (On Libraries)

Ans:- The author didn't like school because he had to listen to the teachers passively obeying their instructions. The author liked to learn himself in libraries being free to choose books of his own choice.


c) Who are the old guards? Why did they grow desperate? (I was My Own Route)

Ans:- The old guards are traditionalists who are obsessed with the patriarchal system. They grow desperate when they see the poetess improving the lives of the poor and striving for their independence.


d. How and why was the woman changed into a spider? (A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings).

Ans:- Because she had sneaked out of her parents' house without permission to dance and had disobeyed her parents, the lightning bolt of brimstone came through the crack of the tow of the fearful thunderclap in the sky, and the woman was changed into a spider


e. Why does Laxminarayan run ahead of covoy at Thulogauchar? (The Bull)

Ans:- Laxminarayan runs ahead of the convoy at Thulo Gauchar because he wants to send a message to the cowherds telling them to massage the bull's back feet and wave the fan at the bull to please the king, Ranabahadur Shah. If not, the king would become enraged and punish them. He wants to show the king that they care about the bull.


3. Give long answers to these questions. (5×2= 10)


a. Sketch the character of Monsieur Durand. [Facing Death]

Ans:- Monsieur Durand is the main character of the play "Facing Death". He is a widower, the lodge owner and former railway worker. He is a financially ruined person who has three daughters. All of them live in the lodge. The relationship between Durand and his daughters isn't good. Here, in this play, we find him so loving, caring as well as protective father. Due to his bankruptcy, he is spending his miserable life along with his three daughters. His daughters hate him and blame him most of the time. But he keeps on thinking about the well being of his daughters. He sacrifices his life for the welfare of his daughters who hate him. He is full of patience who endures injustice from his late wife and remained silent for the rest of his life, blaming her for the financial ruin. He is also a loving husband. He is a patriot too who loves his native France, although he is forced to live in Switzerland. He is a tragic hero who faces financial difficulties and eventually ends his life tragically committing suicide for the well being of his three daughters.


b. The author has dealt with a controversial debate on human history. Why do you think history has been a major contested issue in the present world? [Humility]

Ans:- Here in the essay "Humility" the author Yuval Noah Harari has dealt with a controversial debate on human history. He mostly talks about people of different groups and cultures and their claims and beliefs towards their history and important inventions. In the world, people of different groups boast about their culture and believe that their cultures as the foundation of human history. By this arrogant faith, these people tend to stand in the centre of the world. He talks about how people believe towards their culture and human history taking views from different people and religions such as Greek philosophers Homer, Sophocles and Plato and many more. I think history has been a major contested issue in the present world because people are too concerned with their own religions, cultures, traditions, rituals etc. They are full of egotism. Due to this egotism (self-centredness), most people think they are the centre of the world and their culture is superior to all other cultures. They think their history is the oldest one and everything originated from their culture. History has been a major contested issue in the present world due to egotism. The author wants to debunk humanity's illusion of superiority and mastery.


4. Write a story in 150 words with the help of the following outline: [7]

Tortoise and hare..........good friends.......tortoise.....known for his slow speed......hare has fast speed......makes fun of tortoise.....challenges him.....referee selected-race starts......hare overconfident.......takes a nap.....tortoise wins.

Slow and steady wins the race

Once upon a time there were 2 friends, a tortoise and a hare. The whole jungle was aware about their brotherhood and how they stuck together with each other no matter what. One fine day, when they were discussing about their respective speed, the hare made fun of the tortoise for being slower. Now, it is a well known fact that tortoises generally have a hard shell which makes it difficult for them to walk. But the hare continued to make fun of him. The tortoise got very angry and asked him to prove it. The hare, in turn, challenged the tortoise to run a race with him. Both of them agreed upon the date and time. The news was taken over to the king of the jungle, the lion. He chose a referee and announced the commencement of preparations. The entire jungle was excited as it was the first time that the two brothers were competing with each other. Days before the race, the hare went around talking high about himself whereas on the other hand, the tortoise practiced diligently. The night before the race, the tortoise slept on time, to be energetic the other day, whereas the hare continued to dream about him winning and how obvious it was that he needed no preparations. The wait was over, the tickets were completely sold out and the crowd was cheerful. Both the contestants stood ready on the starting line and the race was supposed to end at a stretch of one kilometre. The whistle blew and both started running at their own pace. The hare covered half the distance while the tortoise could only cover half of what the hare had covered. The overconfident hare thought of taking a nap and thought that by the time the tortoise would come near him, he would wake up and cover the rest of the distance. After some time, the hare was woken up by the sound of hooting and whistling, the tortoise had won.

Therefore, the moral of the story is, "Confidence is good, but overconfidence always sinks the ship".

Watch Full English Summary in Nepali. Click below link to watch video.

5. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper complaining about the problem of air pollution in Kathmandu.


September 19, 2018


The Editor

The Kathmandu Post

Kathmandu, Nepal

Subject : Problem of air pollution

Dear Sir,

Through the esteemed column of your widely circulated and popular daily, I would like to draw attention of the public as well as the concerned authorities to the problem of air pollution in Kathmandu.

Air pollution has been a big concern for those who live in Kathmandu Valley, the capital city of the country. The valley has been facing the worse situation of ambient air every second. Citizens are unable to exercise their right to live in clean and healthy environment. Masks and spare clothes in their bags are the essential items people should manage before they leave their home. The authorities completely fail in their responsibility to the city’s air pollution. According to, Population Index 2016, Kathmandu is one of the most polluted cities in the world.

There are several reasons for air pollution in the valley. Vehicular emission is the main source for air pollution. The rapid increment of vehicles in Kathmandu is unbelievable. These vehicles uniformly produce CO2, known as the principal air pollutant. Expansion of roads is another cause for air pollution in the valley. Besides them, unmanaged urbanization resulted due to Kathmandu-centric development activities and migration, unmanaged solid disposal and industries are the unquestionable sources of air pollution.

The air pollution has a direct effect on human health. High exposure in air pollution may cause chronic bronchitis, lung cancer, asthma and other fatal respiratory problems. Particulate matter is the main problem of the valley which not only affects the health but also tourism industry. Due to the poor health, human productivity is also loss. All these impacts ultimately affect the economic system of individual as well as of state.

In order to improve the quality of air, the country needs a clean air action plan, improved public transportation, nonmotorized transport, an effective waste mechanism and stringent emission and fuel quality standards.

I hope the concerned authorities will take the convenient steps to overcome the aforementioned problem.

Yours sincerely,

Shyam Sharma


6. Write an essay on women’s position with reference to Nepal. [10]

Women's Position in Nepal

Nepali society is male-dominated society. The position of women in Nepal is still not as good as that of men. In the Nepali society, women's duty is to look after their children, satisfy their husband's demands and desires and keep the family's status in the society etc. If a woman is not able to give birth to a child, the society hates her. She is regarded as a witch. If she gives birth to only the daughters, the society hates her and says that she has locked the door of the heaven. In the past, their position was more miserable than now. They were used as only a child-birth machine. They had to depend on their husbands. They were kept as like as the slaves.

In some traditional Nepali Society, Woman can not be mature until she gets the experience of child-birth. In the Hindu religion, if she gives birth to a son, but not a daughter, the door of heaven is unlocked for her and she gets salvation. In such a socieiy, if the wife is childless, the husband blames her that it is her own fault. He wants to get remarried. This makes the womin sad because it can not be her defect. Infertility can be found in husband from medical examination. But he traditional society never thinks that male is equally responsible for childlessness. So the people say that the childless woman is useless. They are very much superstitious. They go to the witchdoctors and demand a son from such a woman but they do not go to the doctors because they do not believe in the modern medical science.

The woman who can not bear children is a great problem and a matter of hatred in the traditional Nepali Society. By such hateful freling, her psychology can be disturbed and it becomes disorlered Sometimes, she becomes mad and situation will be critcal. Therefore, the people of traditional Nepali society need god health education.

But after the restoration of democracy in 2046, their position has been changed a little better . Man and woman are regarded as the two sides of a coin. They go to school, campus and the office. Nepalese Constitution has also promised some rights to the woman. They can stand on their own legs. Now they raise their voice for their economic, political and social rights. There are many feminists in Nepal, who try to upset the male-dominated society. But though they can raise the voice for their rights, our constitution has not promised them to contribute economic and political rights as the man have. They can only enjoy the partial rights. Any way, we can say that the position of women in Nepal is better now than was in the past.


7. Do as indicated in the brackets and rewrite the sentences. [10x1=10]

a. He has obtained full mark/marks. (Choose the correct one)

  • marks

b. Kabir is less intelligent as he pretends. (Complete with He is not as........................... )

  • intelligent as he pretends.

c. Do you remember if I locked the front door? (Change into direct question)

  • Did I lock the front door? Do you remember.......?

d. Does she like ice cream or sweets? (Name the question type)

  • Yes/no question

e. I brought (red/a/comfortable/new) scooter. (Rewrite the sentences putting the adjectives in the correct order)

  • I bought a comfortable new scooter

f. Kanchan broke her backbone. She was lifting up the load. (Join with while)

  • While Kanchan was lifting up the load she broke her backbone.

g. By the time we got home, they..................(to play) football for 30 minutes. (Use correct future form)

  • will have been playing

h. The teacher said, “Have you submitted your assignments, students?” (Change it into indirect speech)

  • The teacher asked students if they had submitted their assignments.

i. Shanghai is the most populated city in the world. I stayed there for five years. (Join with correct relative pronoun)

  • Shanghai, where I stayed for years, is the most populated city in the world.

j. The father/ the window/ not going to open (Make passive)

  • The window isn't going to be opened by the father.


8. Do as instructed. [5x 1 = 5]

a. Find the odd word based on the pronunciation: stopped, laughed, saved, booked

  • Saved

b. The cat sat lazily on the dirty mat. (Underline the content words)

  • The cat sat lazily on the dirty mat.

c. He is a reputed biomedical engineer. (Define underlined professional)

  • A biomedical engineer is an engineer who develops new equipment for improving human health.

d. How many sound units are in the word “commission”?

  • com-mis-sion : Three syllables

f. Make a verb with “en” prefix.

  • enable
Class 12 Compulsory English Model Question with Solutions - 2079 (New Syllabus, CDC) NEB Board Exam

 Best wishes

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