Class 11 Compulsory English Grammar Model Question with Solution - NEB Board Exam 2080

Class 11 Compulsory English Grammar Model Question with Solution - NEB Board Exam 2080
 Compulsory English

Class 11 (new course)

Grammar Solution

Class 11 Compulsory English Grammar Model Question with Solution - NEB Board Exam 2080

Here, you can find different solved sets for class 11 compulsory english grammar (new course)


(15 Marks Grammar Solved)

 7. Do as indicated in brackets and rewrite the sentences [10×1=10]

i. We ……. get to the airport by 2 P.M. or else miss the flight (Use had better/should in the gap)

  • We had better get to the airport by 2 P.M. or else miss the flight.


ii. He had very little time, but he offered to help us. (Rewrite the sentences using in spite of)

  • In spite of having very little time, he offered to help us.


iii. He was annoyed. He didn’t say anything (Combine the sentences using although)

  • Although he was annoyed, he didn’t say anything.


iv. Amrita…..(not seem) very happy at the moment.(Put the verb in correct form)

  • Amrita does not seem very happy at the moment.


v. The dog barked loudly.(Write whether the verb in the sentence is transitive/intransitive /linking verb)

  • barked – intransitive verb.


vi. Everyone one (have/has) problems in their life.

  • Everyone has problems in their life.


vii. The pair of shoes (is/are) mine.

  • The pair of shoes is mine.


viii. I can’t join you at the party. I (will/am going to) be away for two weeks.

  • I can’t join you at the party. I am going to be away for two weeks.


ix. We were driving ……the City Centre when we had an accident. (Put the correct preposition in the blank)

  • We were driving towards the city centre when we had an accident.


x. I have never been to Japan. (Write the world class of the underlined word)

  • never - adverb


8. Do as instructed [5×1=5]


Choose the correct word that is similar in meaning to the underlined word.

i. Rupa studied Science reluctantly due to her father’s pressure.

  • eagerly
  • unwillingly
  • willingly
  • enthusiastically


ii. Arrange the following words in alphabetical order.

(Aspire, aspect, aside, assign)

  • Aside, aspect, aspire, assign


iii. Choose the correct word.

I think that rainy days in winter are (depressing/depressed.)

  • I think that rainy days in winter are depressing.


iv. Use the word ‘despair’ in your own sentence.

Despair - Her face was full of despair after she heard of the death of her mother.


v. The word ‘Chronicle’ means…….

  • spiritual
  • natural state
  • written record of historical events




7. Do as indicated in brackets and rewrite the sentences. (10×1=10)


i. Have you been to Dharan? (Adjust “ever” in this sentence)

  • Have you ever been to Dharan ?

ii. My uncle speaks ………… (perfect/perfectly) Chinese. (Choose the correct adverb or adjective)

  • My uncle speaks perfect Chinese.

 iii. The plane landed ……… the runway. (Put the correct preposition)

  • The plane landed onto the runway.

 iv. I ……. (start) new job last week. (Put the verb into the correct form).

  • I started new job last week.

 v. I’ve got nothing to do. I’m boring/bored. (Choose the correct word)

  • I’ve got nothing to do. I’m bored.

 vi. Scissors is used to have our hair cut. (Correct the sentence)

  • Scissors are used to have our hair cut.

 vii. Write four words using prefix- dis.

  • dis - disloyal, disobey, dishonest, disorder

 viii. It’s a great film. You ………. go and see it. (Put in ‘had better’ or should)

  • It’s a great film. You should go and see it.

 ix. He was annoyed. He didn’t say anything. (Combine the sentences using -although)

  • Although he was annoyed, he didn’t say anything.

x. Dublin is my favorite city. It is the capital of Ireland. (Join these two sentences with appropriate relative clause)

  • Dublin is my favorite city which is the capital of Ireland.


8. Do as indicated. (5×1=5)

i. Arrange the following words in alphabetical order.

(Cheque, check, chick, checklist, change.)

  • Change, check, checklist, cheque, chick


ii. Change the following adjectives into adverbs and nouns into adjectives. (Cloud, Rapid, Bag, Fair)

cloudy, rapidly, baggy, fairly


iii. What does the word “bickering” mean?

To insert something between other things

Arguing about things that are not important

To utter rapidly or unintelligibly

To move slowly


iv. Make a sensible sentence using the word “deprivation”.

  • Many of the people suffered terrible deprivation.


v. What is the verb form of the adjective: ‘beautiful’?

  • beautify




7. Do as indicated in brackets and rewrite the sentences. (10×1=10)


i. The good boy behaved well. (Underline the adverb in the sentence)

  • The good boy behaved well.


ii. Many of the houses in this neighborhood (don’t/doesn’t) have garages. (Choose one form the bracket to complete the sentence)

  • Many of the houses in this neighborhood don’t have garages.


iii. We insist …………. punctuality in this office. (Put the correct preposition in the blank)

  • We insist on punctuality in this office.


iv. It …………. be Anton’s car. I saw him driving the car yesterday. (Put the correct modal in the blank to complete the sentence)

  • It must be Anton’s car. I saw him driving the car yesterday.


v. She …………. (write) three books and she is working on another one. (Put the verb from the bracket in correct tense to make a meaningful sentence)

  • She has written three books and she is working on another one.


vi. I need to stop (doing/to do) my homework late at night. I keep making terrible mistakes. (Choose one form from the bracket to complete the sentence)

  • I need to stop doing my homework late at night.


vii. The minister stood still …………. the request to take her seat. (Put the correct conjunction in the blank to complete the sentence)

  • The minister stood still in spite of the request to take her seat.


viii. Marie Curie is the woman. She discovered radium. (Join the sentences with a relative pronoun)

  • Marie Curie is the women who discovered radium.


ix. She said, “Would you like me to help you?” (Use the reporting verb offer to change the sentence into indirect speech)

  • She offered to help me.


x. I hate people laughing at me. (Change into passive)

  • I hate being laughed at.


8. Do as instructed. (5×1=5)

i. The art of producing beautiful writing with a special pen or brush is called calligraphy. What word class does the underlined word in the sentence belong to?

  • The underlined word special in the sentence belong to adjective.


ii. Arrange the following words as per the order in a dictionary:

chanting, chopper, chirruping, chivalry, chancellor

  • chancellor, chanting, chirruping, chivalry, chopper


iii. What does the sentence ‘He burnt his fingers by interfering in his neighbour’s affair.‘ mean?

  • He got himself into trouble.
  • He burnt himself?
  • He got himself insulted.
  • He got rebuked.


iv. What does the prefix ‘under-‘ in the word UNDERESTIMATE mean?

  • below
  • in
  • around
  • Above


v. Which of the following sentences is correct?

  • Kelsey said I want to go to Aunt Joy’s for Thanksgiving.
  • Kelsey said, “i want to go to Aunt Joys for Thanksgiving.”
  • Kelsey said, “I want to go to Aunt Joy’s for Thanksgiving.”
  • Kelsey said “I want to go to Aunt Joys for Thanksgiving.”





7. Do as directed in brackets and rewrite the sentences: (10 x1=10)

i. His …………was excellent. (Write the noun form of ‘behave’)

  • His behaviour was excellent.


ii. We enjoyed very much the party. (Rewrite the underlined words in the right place)

  • We enjoyed the party very much.


iii. Manish and Richa moved the table …… the dining room. (Use the correct preposition)

Manish and Richa moved the table into the dining room.


iv. It was very warm, so I …………my coat. (Write the correct tense form of ‘take off’)

  • It was very warm, so I took off my coat.


v. Grammar rules frustrate me. They are so ………. . (Write the correct adjective form of ‘frustrate’)

  • Grammar rules frustrate me. They are so frustrating.


vi. Are the news on at five or six? (Rewrite the sentence correctly)

  • Is the news on at five or six?


vii. Excuse me ! ……………(you / speak) English? (Put the verb into the correct form)

  • Excuse me ! Do you speak English ?


viii. Are you believing in God? (Correct the underlined words)

  • Do you believe in god ?


ix. He is very poor. He wears expensive clothes. (Combine the sentences using ‘but’)

  • He is very poor but wears expensive clothes.


x. The person was really helpful. They spoke to him. (Join the sentences with a relative clause)

  • The person to whom they spoke was really helpful.


8. Do as instructed: (5×1=5)


i. calf, goose (Write the plural form)

  • calf – calves
  • goose – geese


ii. She likes people taking her photograph. (Change into passive voice)

  • She likes having her photograph taken.


iii. I put off my meeting for a week. (What does it mean by ‘put off’ in this sentence?)

  • established
  • held
  • postponed
  • changed


iv. A strong feeling of excitement and happiness = e…………. (Write the one word that begins with ‘e’)

  • Exhilaration


v. I have to work at two jobs to make both ends meet in this expensive city. (Choose the correct option)

  • earn much money
  • live on money
  • spend much money
  • earn just enough money




7. Do as indicated in brackets and rewrite the sentences. (10×1=10)

Rewrite the following sentence using ‘used to’:


i. He /play Dandibiyo when he was a small child.

  • He used to play Dandibiyo when he was a small child.


ii. It was raining very …………. (heavy/heavily). (Choose the correct adverb or adjective)

  • It was raining very heavily.


iii. Ramesh almost fell ………… the river. (Put the correct preposition)

  • Ramesh almost fell into the river.


iv. Look! The river ……… (flow) very fast. (Put the verb into the correct form)

  • Look ! The river is flowing very fast.


v. Are you interesting/interested in politics? (Choose the correct word)

  • Are you interested in politics ?


vi. Are the news on at five or six? (Correct the sentence)

  • Is the news on at five or six ?


vii. Write four words using suffix-ness.

  • Suffix-ness (exactness, completeness, smoothness, brightness)


viii. These biscuits are delicious. You …… try one. (Put in had better or should)

  • These biscuits are delicious. You should try one.


ix. It rained all day. We enjoyed the picnic very much. (Combine the sentences using – although)

  • Although it rained all day, we enjoyed the picnic very much.


x. That’s the stadium. Real Madrid plays there. (Join these two sentences with appropriate relative clause)

  • That’s the stadium where Real Madrid plays.


8. Follow the instructions to solve. (5×1=5)


i. What does the word “Transcendental” mean?

  • Natural state
  • Spiritual, nonphysical, or mystical
  • A written record of historical events


ii. Change the following Nouns into Adjectives.

(Spice, bag, blood, fun)

  • Spicy, baggy, bloody, funny


iii. Make a sensible sentence using the word “Pop down”

  • I need to pop down to the store.


iv. Arrange the following words in alphabetical order.

(Terror, Termite, Terrible, Terminal)

  • Terminal, Termite, Terrible, Terror


v. Change the following sentence into passive.

“I don’t like people laughing at me.”

  • I don't like being laughed at.




7. Do as indicated in the bracket. [10×1=10]

i. They have a lot of money, but they are still not happy. (Rewrite the following sentence using although)

  • Although they have a lot of money, they are still not happy.


ii. Amelia speaks English and Chinese fluently. She is from Shanghai. (Join the sentences with appropriate relative clause)

  • Amelia, who speaks English and Chinese fluently, is from Shanghai.


iii. My aunt Nita, ….is a journalist, is coming to visit next week. (Fill the gap with correct relative pronoun and write if the clause is defining or non-defining.)

  • My aunt Nita, who is a journalist, is coming to visit next week. (non-defining)


iv. You live in a crowded city. (Make a wish)

  • I wish the city would be peaceful.


v. You have got a cold. (Express regret)

  • I should not have tasted ice-cream.


vi. Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin in 1928. (Change the following sentence into passive.)

  • Penicillin was discovered in 1928 by Alexander Fleming.


vii. She…… (live) in Sikkim when she was a child. (Use correct tense of the verb in the bracket)

  • She lived in Sikkim when she was a child.


viii. I still enjoyed the week …… the weather was bad. (Complete the following sentence by using ‘Although’)

  • I still enjoyed the week although the weather was bad.


ix. Mathew…….be at home. I can see his bike in front of his home. (Fill in the blank with may, must or can’t)

  • Mathew must be at home. I can see his bike in front of his home.


x. One of the greatest problems……. (is/are) the growing population. (Choose the correct verb form)

  • One of the greatest problems is the growing population.


8. Do as instructed. [1×5=5]


i. The arts flourished during the Renaissance. The correct meaning of the underlined world is …

  • were almost forgotten
  • grew and improved
  • Discovered
  • Stayed about the same


ii. Use the idiom ‘fight tooth and nail’ in your own sentence.

fight tooth and nail (to try very hard to get something you want) - I'll fight tooth and nail to win the finals.


iii. She is …… something, but I can’t hear her. Which of the following words is correct to fill in the gap.

  • grating
  • cursing
  • mumbling
  • shouting


iv. Write four words using prefix - un

  • Prefix – un :- unable, unhappy, unfair, unclear


v. The brides were much _______ than the grooms. Choose the appropriate form of adjective.

  • young
  • younger
  • youngest
  • none

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Class 11 Compulsory English Grammar Model Question with Solution - NEB Board Exam 2080

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