Class 11 Compulsory English Model Question For Final Exam 2080

Class 11 Compulsory English Model Question For Final Exam 2080

Class 11 Compulsory English Model Question For Final Exam 2080

Compulsory English

Model Questions – 2079

Class 11 (New Course)



1. Read the text and do the tasks. [15]

The way people greet one another reflects their custom. It gives insight into their history and values. There is a wide range of greetings around the world. These range from the common handshake to other strange rituals found in some countries. In some Eastern countries, including Korea and Japan, bowing is the traditional greeting. In Japan, it is accepted that the deeper the bow, the deeper the respect shown. In Nepal and India, People bend or nod and say Namaste or Namaskar joining palms together as if praying. Handshakes are also popular in Japan, Nepal and India. In Tibet, people opt to stick out their tongue to greet others which may seem strange to us. In the United States, people shake hands firmly and make direct eye contact. It means a simple handshake is the normal greeting there. Shaking a person's right hand while looking him or her in his or her eyes is the usual method. Handshakes are also common in other parts of the world, including Canada, Britain and Russia. When Canadian's first meet, they often shake hands and introduce themselves by stating their name. In Russia males grasp other men's hands very strongly during the handshake. Similarly, most people in Newzealand greet each other by shaking hands. However, the native Maori people of that country display more physical contact: they press their noses together in a sign of trust and closeness. In other countries, such as France and Belgium, hugging and kissing are more common when two people meet. In those cultures, people kiss each other on the cheeks. The number of times varies depending on the particular country. In Saudi Arabia, men might hug and kiss each other (but not a woman) on the cheek. Men also shake hands with other men there. Thus, greetings vary from culture to culture and the place to place where they live. These cultures teach us how to assimilate in a society. It also helps us to know each other's way of life. Moreover, learning about other's culture can be a reliable tool for keeping peace and social harmony.

A. Answer the following questions. [5×1=5]

a. How do the Russians greet each other?

b. What do greetings reflect?

c. What is the significance of understanding other's culture?

d. What are the ways of greeting people in the USA, Canada and Japan?

e. Supply a suitable title to the text.


B. Choose the best answer. [5×1=5]

i. Which of the following is true?

a. People in Russia, but not England, shake hands.

b. The number of times people kiss on the cheek varies.

c. In the past, people nodded if they weren't carrying a weapon.

d. You shouldn't look at people when shaking their hands in the United States.


ii. How do most people in New Zealand greet each other?

a. With a kiss on the cheek

b. By pressing noses together

c. With a handshake

d. By sticking out their tongues


iii. How do people greet in India and Nepal?

a. With a handshake

b. By pressing noses together

c. With a kiss on the cheek

d. By saying Namaste/Namaskar


iv. How do Saudi Arabians greet people?

a. Men might hug and kiss each other (but not a woman) on the cheek.

b. It's not proper for men to kiss women when they meet.

c. Women don't kiss other women when they meet.

d. Women can kiss men, but men can't kiss women when they meet.


v. What is this text mainly about?

a. The importance of handshakes all around the world.

b. The origins and histories of various greetings.

c. The strangest types of greetings on Earth.

d. The wide range of greeting customs in the world.


C. Fill in the blanks with the following words. [5×1=5]

[Hand, bow, greeting, stick out, hug and kiss, customs]

If you are travelling to another country, you should learn a bit about its ………………before you go there. This includes getting to know the proper form of …………… people. It can differ a lot. If you go to America, don't be surprised it someone shakes your ……………………. In Japan, people might …………..when they greet. If you travel to Saudi Arab, men might ………… each other.


2. Write short answers to the following questions. [5×2=10]

a. How did the giant realize his mistake? [The Selfish Giant]

b. Write the symbols used in the story and their indications. [God sees the truth but waits]

c. How does Jonathan change as he experiences the conflicts in his life? [Civil Peace]

d. What is hyperbole? What is refrain? Give one example of each from the poem. [A Red, Red Rose]

e. What is the first stage in a human's life? In what sense can it be a troubling stage? [All the world's a stage]


3. Write long answers to the following questions [2×5=10]

a. Write the summary of the play "A Sunny Morning".

b. What are the four major problems developed by Lapena with regard to maintaining oral tradition? Explain. [Sharing Tradition]


4. The world is suffering a lot from air pollution a these days. Write an essay on mitigating measures of Air Pollution in about 300 words. [10]

5. Write a letter to your friend living abroad describing your role, your teachers' role and your school administration's role to improve your studies in grade XI. [8]

6. How can a person be physically fit, mentally healthy, emotionally stable and socially adoptable or adjustable? Mention few points to maintain an individuals' health and elaborate them. [7]

7. Do as indicated in brackets and rewrite the sentences. [10]

a. My uncle is very lazy (Write the word class of the word 'very' in this sentence)

b. It was raining very …………… (heavy/heavily). (Choose adjective or adverb to fill the gap)

It was raining very heavily.

c. Give an example of a homograph with appropriate definition and word class.

d. She …………….. (write) a book but she has not published it yet. (Put the verb from the bracket in correct tense to make the given sentence meaningful).

e. He died …………….. Covid 19. (Put the correct preposition in the blank)

f. The car stopped suddenly. (Identify the underlined verb as transitive, intransitive or linking)

g. It might rain. You ………………take an umbrella. (Choose one to fill the gap: should/had better)

h. I love people praising me. (Change in passive)

i. She said, "Happy New Year". (Change into Reported speech

j. How do you pronounce the last 'ed' in the word 'asked' [d/t/id]? (Choose one)


8. Do as instructed. [5×1=5]

a. Arrange the following words in proper alphabetical order in a dictionary. (boy, bus, bush, brush, boss)

b. Rewrite the given sentence using 'in spite of:' The traffic was heavy, but we got there in time.

c. Look ! The river …………… (flow) very fast. [Put the verb in bracket in correct tense]

d. How do you pronounce the last 's' in the word 'dogs' [s/z/ iz]? [Choose one]

e. What would you suggest to your friend who has a headache? Give advice in proper structure.





1. Read the following passage and do the tasks. [15]

The outer solar system is the name of the planets beyond the asteroid belt. These planets are called gas giants because they are made up of gas and ice. The first stop of our tour is the fifth planet, Jupiter. Jupiter is bigger than three hundred Earths! It is made up of hydrogen and helium and a few other gases. There are violent wind storms that circle around Jupiter. The most famous storm is called the Great Red Spot. It has been churning for more than four hundred years already. At last count, Jupiter has sixty-three known moons and a faint ring around it too. Next in our space neighbourhood comes Saturn. It is well-known for the series of beautiful rings that circle it. They are made up of tiny bits of frozen dirt and ice. Like Jupiter, Saturn is made up of mostly hydrogen and helium. It is smaller though, at only ninety-five times the size of Earth. Saturn has sixty-two moons. The seventh planet, Uranus and its twenty-seven moons orbit very far from the sun. In addition to helium and hydrogen, Uranus atmosphere also contains ammonia ice and methane ice. It is a very cold planet, with no internal heat source. One of the strangest things about Uranus is that it is tipped over and orbits the sun on its side at a ninety-degree angle. The twenty-seven moons it has orbit from top to bottom, instead of left to right like our moon. The eighth planet is Neptune. Like Uranus, it is made up of hydrogen, helium, ammonia ice and methane ice. But unlike Uranus, Neptune does have an inner heat source, just like Earth. It radiates twice as much heat as it receives from the sun. Neptune’s most distinctive quality is its blue colour. Most of the information we know about it came from the Voyager 2 spacecraft passing close by it in 1989.Pluto is the last and was considered a planet after its discovery in 1930. In 2006, Pluto was demoted and reclassified as a dwarf planet. Pluto exists in the Kuiper belt. That’s just a fancy name for the band of rocks, dust and ice that lies beyond the gas giants. Scientists have found objects bigger than Pluto in this belt. Thus, the outer solar system has many secrets to explore.


A. Answer the following Questions briefly. [5×1=5]

(i) What is the Great Red Spot?

(ii) How small is Saturn as compared to Jupiter?

(iii) Why the moons of Uranus are peculiar?

(iv) What is Neptune’s unique quality which distinguishes it from other ‘gas giants’?

(v) What may have been the reason that in 2006 Pluto was demoted and reclassified as a dwarf planet?


B. Choose the most appropriate option. [5×1=5]


(i) The two gases which make up most of Jupiter and Saturn are

(a) Hydrogen and ammonia

(b) hydrogen and methane

(c) Hydrogen and helium

(d) None of these


(ii) The Kuiper belt is an area of rocks, dust, and ice that

(a) is between Jupiter and Saturn

(b) is beyond Pluto

(c) includes Pluto

(d) surrounds Saturn’s rings


(iii) A synonym of ‘faint’ used in the passage is

(a) indistinct

(b) slight

(c) muffled

(d) unconscious


(iv) A synonym of ‘demoted’ used in the passage is

(a) break

(b) keep

(c) improve

(d) downgrade


(v) A synonym of ‘tipped’ used in the passage is

(a) topped

(b) tilted

(c) poured

(d) presented

C. Make your own sentences using the underlined words/phrases. [5]

2. Write short answer to the following questions. [5×2=10]

a. Why do you think spring season never came to the giant’s garden? [The Selfish Giant]

b. What is the story about Steve Jobs’ birth? [How to Live Before You Die?]

c. Why did Makar disclose that he had killed the merchant? [God Sees The Truth but Waits]

d. What can be relationship between “little i” and the speaker of the poem? [Who are you little i?]

e. To which two things does the poet the speaker compare his love in the first stanza? [A Red, Red Rose]


3. Write long answer to the following questions? [5×2=10]

a. Write the summary of the play. [A Sunny Morning]

b. The title of the story “Civil Peace” itself is ironical as there is little to differentiate ‘civil peace’ from ‘civil war’. Do you think that the title of this story is appropriate or would “Civil War” have been a better title? Explain.

4. Write a couple of paragraphs on racial/caste related discrimination in our country. [7]

5. Most students have difficulty in deciding what to study after high school. Did you also have this problem? Share the dilemma you had and how you decided to study the subject you have chosen. [8]

6. Identify a person from your community who has worked on environmental protection. Write a story of that person incorporating the efforts s/he made to change things and attitudes of people. [10]

7. Do as indicated in brackets and rewrite the sentences [10×1=10]

a. We ……. get to the airport by 2 P.M. or else miss the flight (Use had better/should in the gap)

b. He had very little time, but he offered to help us. (Rewrite the sentences using in spite of)

c. He was annoyed. He didn’t say anything (Combine the sentences using although)

d. Amrita…..(not seem) very happy at the moment.(Put the verb in correct form)

e. The dog barked loudly.(Write whether the verb in the sentence is transitive/intransitive /linking verb)

f. Everyone one (have/has) problems in their life.

g. The pair of shoes (is/are) mine.

h. I can’t join you at the party. I (will/am going to) be away for two weeks.

i. We were driving ……the City Centre when we had an accident. (Put the correct preposition in the blank)

j. I have never been to Japan. (Write the world class of the underlined word)


8. Do as instructed [5×1=5]

i. Choose the correct word that is similar in meaning to the underlined word. Rupa studied Science reluctantly due to her father’s pressure.

a. eagerly

b. unwillingly

c. willingly

d. enthusiastically


ii. Arrange the following words in alphabetical order.

(Aspire, aspect, aside, assign)

iii. Choose the correct word.

I think that rainy days in winter are (depressing/depressed.)


iv. Use the word ‘despair’ in your own sentence.


v. The word ‘Chronicle’ means…….

a. spiritual

b. natural state

c. written record of historical events




1. Read the extract and answer the questions given below. [15]

Marie Curie was one of the most accomplished scientists in history. Together with her husband, Pierre, she discovered radium, an element widely used for treating cancer, and studied uranium and other radioactive substances. Pierre and Marie’s amicable collaboration later helped to unlock the secrets of the atom. Marie was born in 1867 in Warsaw, Poland, where her father was a professor of physics. At an early age, she displayed a brilliant mind and a blithe personality. Her great exuberance for learning prompted her to continue with her studies after high school. She became disgruntled, however, when she learned that the university in Warsaw was closed to women. Determined to receive a higher education, she defiantly left Poland and in 1891 entered the Sorbonne, a French university, where she earned her master’s degree and doctorate in physics. Marie was fortunate to have studied at the Sorbonne with some of the greatest scientists of her day, one of whom was Pierre Curie. Marie and Pierre were married in 1895 and spent many productive years working together in the physics laboratory. A short time after they discovered radium, Pierre was killed by a horse-drawn wagon in 1906. Marie was stunned by this horrible misfortune and endured heart breaking anguish. Despondently she recalled their close relationship and the joy that they had shared in scientific research. The fact that she had two young daughters to be raised by herself greatly increased her distress. Curie’s feeling of desolation finally began to fade when she was asked to succeed her husband as a physics professor at the Sorbonne. She was the first woman to be given a professorship at the world-famous university. In 1911 she received the Nobel Prize in chemistry for isolating radium. Although Marie Curie eventually suffered a fatal illness from her long exposure to radium, she never became disillusioned about her work. Regardless of the consequences, she had dedicated herself to science and to revealing the mysteries of the physical world.

A. Choose the best answer. (5×1=5)


i. From the first paragraph, give a synonym for ‘amicable’:

a. cunning

b. friendly

c. tragic

d. unkind


ii. From the third paragraph, give the meaning for ‘stunned’:

a. a state when someone is shocked

b. without worry

c. helpless

d. misfortunate


iii.‘Anguish’ in paragraph 3 is “Opposite to”

a. Happiness

b. Agony

c. Meanness

d. Pain


iv. ‘Desolation’ in line 22nd means:

a. Freedom

b. Liberty

c. Despondency

d. Permission


v. Choose the right word class of the word, “brilliant”.

a. Adverb

b. Noun

c. Adjective

d. pronoun

B. Complete the following sentences in Not More Than Four Words referring to the passage. (5×1=5)

a. The Curies’ _________ collaboration helped to unlock the secrets of the Atom.

b. Marie had a bright mind and a ______ personality.

c. Marie Curie eventually suffered …………. from her long exposure to 10 radium

d. After radium was discovered Pierre was killed ……….

e. Marie Curie was the first woman to be given…………… at the world-famous university.


C. Answer the following questions: (5×1=5)

a. What is the use of radium?

b. Why did Marie Curie become disgruntled?

c. Why did she leave Poland?

d. What made Curie fade away her desolation?

e. What is the reason behind her fatal illness?


2 . Write short answers to the following questions. (5×2=10)

a. Sketch the character of Aksionov. (God Sees the Truth…..)

b. How does Jonathan change as he experiences the conflicts in his life? Explain. (Civil Peace)

c. Why do you think that we need to conserve our tradition? (Sharing Tradition)

d. What were the circumstances that led Gonzalo to flee Valencia? (A Sunny Morning)

e. What happened when Steve Jobs was born? (How to Live Before You Die)


3. Write long answers to the following questions. (2×5=10)

a. Describe the different roles that we play in our lifetime. (All the World’s a Stage)

b. Write the summary of the essay “What Is Poverty?”


4. Write at least two/three paragraphs on any Nepali leader’s/ Actor’s/ footballer’s/businessman’s success story. [7]

5. Write a job application with complete CV for the position of Junior level clerk that has fallen vacant in your college. [8]

6. Write an essay on “Importance of English Language in Modern Education”. About 300 words. [10]

7. Do as indicated in brackets and rewrite the sentences. (10×1=10)

a. Have you been to Dharan? (Adjust “ever” in this sentence)

b. My uncle speaks ………… (perfect/perfectly) Chinese. (Choose the correct adverb or adjective)

c. The plane landed ……… the runway. (Put the correct preposition)

d. I ……. (start) new job last week. (Put the verb into the correct form).

e. I’ve got nothing to do. I’m boring/bored. (Choose the correct word)

f. Scissors is used to have our hair cut. (Correct the sentence)

g. Write four words using prefix- dis.

h. It’s a great film. You ………. go and see it. (Put in ‘had better’ or should)

i. He was annoyed. He didn’t say anything. (Combine the sentences using -although)

j. Dublin is my favorite city. It is the capital of Ireland. (Join these two sentences with appropriate relative clause)


8. Do as indicated. (5×1=5)

a. Arrange the following words in alphabetical order. (Cheque, check, chick, checklist, change.)

b. Change the following adjectives into adverbs and nouns into adjectives. (Cloud, Rapid, Bag, Fair)

c. What does the word “bickering” mean?

i. To insert something between other things

ii. Arguing about things that are not important

iii. To utter rapidly or unintelligibly

iv. To move slowly

d. Make a sensible sentence using the word “deprivation”.

e. What is the verb form of the adjective: ‘beautiful’?



1. Read the extract and solve the given questions below. [15]

Mt Everest grows by nearly a metre to new height The world’s highest mountain Mount Everest is 0.86m higher than had been previously officially calculated, Nepal and China have jointly announced. Until now the countries differed over whether to add the snow cap on top. The new height is 8,848.86m (29,032 ft). China’s previous official measurement of 8,844.43m had put the mountain nearly four metres lower than Nepal’s. Everest Officials at Nepal’s foreign ministry and department of survey said surveyors from both countries had co-ordinated to agree on the new height. The agreement to jointly announce the new measurement of the Earth’s highest point was made during Chinese President Xi Jinping’s visit to the Nepalese capital, Kathmandu last year. Chinese authorities had said previously Mount Everest should be measured to its rock height, while Nepalese authorities argued the snow on top of the summit should be included. The Chinese surveyors had calculated their figure after they measured the mountain in 2005. Nepal’s government officials told the BBC in 2012 that they were under pressure from China to accept the Chinese height and therefore they had decided to go for a fresh measurement to “set the record straight once and for all”. The 8,848m height, Nepal had been using for Mount Everest was determined by the Survey of India in 1954, but for the first time the country has now conducted its own measurement of the summit. Four Nepalese land surveyors spent two years training for the mission, before heading to the summit. “Before this, we had never done the measurement ourselves,” Damodar Dhakal, spokesman at Nepal’s department of survey, told the BBC. “Now that we have a young, technical team [who could also go to the Everest summit], we could do it on our own,” Mr. Dhakal said. Nepal’s lead surveyor Khimlal Gautam lost his toe due to frostbite while on the summit to install height-measuring equipment last year. “For summiteers, scaling the highest peak means a great accomplishment. For us, it was just the beginning,” Mr. Gautam had told BBC Nepali after his return. “Unlike other surveys of the Everest in the past, we chose 03:00 to minimise errors that could have been caused because of sunlight in the day time.” Some geologists have suggested a major earthquake in 2015 may have had an impact on Mount Everest’s height. The 7.8 magnitude earthquake killed nearly 9,000 people in Nepal, and caused an avalanche which buried parts of the base camp at the mountain. At least 18 20 climbers were killed. Some geologists said the earthquake may have caused Everest’s snow cap to shrink. Scientists had found that some other Himalayan peaks such as Langtang Himal, mostly to the north of Kathmandu and close to the epicentre, had reduced in height by approximately a metre after the earthquake. Others have argued that Mount Everest, like other Himalayan peaks, may have actually grown over time because of the shifting tectonic plates it sits on. But experts say major earthquakes can result in that process is reversed. “The 2015 earthquake is also a major reason why we re-measured the mountain,” said Mr. Dhakal.


A. Choose the best answer. (5×1=5)

a. The word ‘announce’ in the 7th line means:

i. utter words to convey information.

ii. Make a formal statement about a fact.

iii. Communicate information to someone.


b. The word ‘fresh’ in the phrase ‘fresh measurement’ in the second paragraph means:

i. having its original qualities unimpaired.

ii. Not frozen, tinned or otherwise preserved.

iii. Not previously done, new or different.


c. The word ‘accomplishment’ in the 22nd line means:

i. the omission of expected action.

ii. An act or instance of falling.

iii. Something that has been achieved successfully.


d. The word ‘shrink’ in the 29th line is opposite in meaning to:

i. expand.

ii. contract.

iii. reduce.


e. The word ‘approximately’ in line 30 means:

i. exactly.

ii. nearly.

iii. precisely.


B. Complete the following sentences in not more than four words. (5×1=5)

a. Nepal and China previously had different views about adding the …………………… to the height of Mt. Everest.

b. Surveyors from both Nepal and China had worked together to come up with the same view on the …………………… of Mt. Everest.

c. China’s earlier official measurement of 8844.43m was based on the measurement done in …………………….

d. he team leader of Nepal’s surveyors lost his toe during the installment of …………… on the top.

e. Some geologists also had their view that the change in …………………… under Mt. Everest may have increased its height.


C. Answer the following questions. (5×1=5)

a. What did the surveyors from both Nepal and China agree on to come up with about Mt. Everest?

b. Why did both countries determine to carry out the new measurement of Mt. Everest?

c. Which sentence in the text indicates that it was the first time for Nepal to measure the height of Mt. Everest?

d. Why did the Nepali team take 3:00 as a reference in measuring the summit?

e. What covered the parts of the base camp at the mountains during 2015 earthquake?


2. Write short answers to the following questions. (5×2=10)

a. Why is the speaker saying that ‘the children are the most beautiful flowers of all’? (The Selfish Giant)

b. What were the circumstances that led to Aksionov’s imprisonment? (God Sees the Truth)

c. What is the speaker’s attitude toward war? (The Gift in War Time)

d. What do you think is the main idea of the essay ‘What is Poverty?’? Is the main idea of the essay explicit or implicit?

e. Why are Don Gonzalo and Laura annoyed with each other? (A Sunny Morning)


3. Write long answers to the following questions. (2×5=10)

a. Jobs contend that you need to love what you do in order to be great at it. Do you agree or disagree? Why? (How to Live Before You Die)

b. Write the summary of the poem ‘All the World’s a Stage’.

4. The following bar graph shows the total cases of COVID-19 infection in Nepal from 2020-01-01 to 2021-01-20. Write an interpretation of it in about 150 words. [7]


5. Suppose you are the coordinator of the organizing committee for the ‘Sports Week’ at your school. Write an email inviting the other members of the committee for its first meeting. [8]

6. Is the use of smart phones useful for the students of secondary level? Write an essay discussing the advantages and disadvantages of smart phones in about 300 words. [10]

7. Do as indicated in brackets and rewrite the sentences. (10×1=10)

a. The good boy behaved well. (Underline the adverb in the sentence)

b. Many of the houses in this neighborhood (don’t/doesn’t) have garages. (Choose one form the bracket to complete the sentence)

c. We insist …………. punctuality in this office. (Put the correct preposition in the blank)

d. It …………. be Anton’s car. I saw him driving the car yesterday. (Put the correct modal in the blank to complete the sentence)

e. She …………. (write) three books and she is working on another one. (Put the verb from the bracket in correct tense to make a meaningful sentence)

f. I need to stop (doing/to do) my homework late at night. I keep making terrible mistakes. (Choose one form from the bracket to complete the sentence)

g. The minister stood still …………. the request to take her seat. (Put the correct conjunction in the blank to complete the sentence)

h. Marie Curie is the woman. She discovered radium. (Join the sentences with a relative pronoun)

i. She said, “Would you like me to help you?” (Use the reporting verb offer to change the sentence into indirect speech)

j. I hate people laughing at me. (Change into passive)


8. Do as instructed. (5×1=5)

a. The art of producing beautiful writing with a special pen or brush is called calligraphy. What word class does the underlined word in the sentence belong to?

b. Arrange the following words as per the order in a dictionary:

chanting, chopper, chirruping, chivalry, chancellor

c. What does the sentence ‘He burnt his fingers by interfering in his neighbour’s affair.‘ mean?

i. He got himself into trouble.

ii. He burnt himself?

iii. He got himself insulted.

iv. He got rebuked.

d. What does the prefix ‘under-‘ in the word UNDERESTIMATE mean?

i. below

ii. in

iii. around

iv. Above

e. Which of the following sentences is correct?

i. Kelsey said I want to go to Aunt Joy’s for Thanksgiving.

ii. Kelsey said, “i want to go to Aunt Joys for Thanksgiving.”

iii. Kelsey said, “I want to go to Aunt Joy’s for Thanksgiving.”

iv. Kelsey said “I want to go to Aunt Joys for Thanksgiving.”


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