[Gandaki Province], Class 12 English Model Question Solution, NEB Board Exam 2079

[Gandaki Province], Class 12 English Model Question Solution, NEB Board Exam 2079

Class 12 English Model Question Solution, NEB Board Exam 2079

Compulsory English 


2079 (2022)

Compulsory English 

New Course

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.

The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Time: 3 hrs.                                                                                            Full Marks: 75

Attempt all questions

1. Read the following text and complete the tasks that follow. [15]

Robert Capa is a name that has for many years been synonymous with war photography. Born in Hungary in 1913 as Friedmann Endre Erno, Capa was forced to leave his native country after his involvement in anti-government protests. Capa had originally wanted to become a writer, but after his arrival in Berlin had first found work as a photographer. He later left Germany and moved to France due to the rise in Nazism. He tried to find work as a Freelance journalist and it was here that he changed his name to Robert Capa, mainly because he thought it would sound more American. In 1956, after the breakout of the Spanish civil war, Capa went to Spain and it was here over the next three years that he built his reputation as a war photographer. It was here too in 1936 that he took one of his most famous pictures, The Death of a Loyalist Soldier.

One of Capa's most famous quotes was if your pictures aren't good enough, you're not close enough'. And he took his attitude of getting close to the action to an extreme. His photograph, The Death of a Loyalist Soldier is a prime example of this as Capa captures the very moment the soldier falls. However, many have questioned the authenticity of this photograph, claiming that it was staged. When World War II broke out, Capa was in New York, but he was soon back in Europe covering the war for life magazine. Some of his most famous work was created on 6t June 1944 when Swam ashore with the first assault on Omaha Beach in the D-Day invasion of Normandy. Capa, armed only with two cameras, took more than one hundred photographs in the first hour of the landing, but a mistake in the darkroom during the drying of the film destroyed all but eight frames. It was the images from these frames however that inspired the visual style of Steven Spielberg's Oscar winning movie 'Saving Private Ryan'. When life magazine published the photographs, they claimed that they were slightly out of focus, and Capa later used this as the title of his autobiographical account of the war.

 Capa's private life was no less dramatic. He was a friend to many of Hollywood's directors, actors and actresses. In 1943, he fell in love with the wife of the actor Jonn Austin. His affair with her lasted until the end of the war and became the subject of his war memories. He was at one time lover to the actress the subject of his war memories. He was at one time the lover to actress Ingrid Bergman. Their relationship finally ended in 1946 when he refused to settle in Hollywood and went off to Turkey. In 1947, Capa was among a group of photojournalists who founded Magnum photos. This was a cooperative organization set up to support photographers and help them to retain ownership of the copyright to their work. Capa went on to document many other wars. He never attempted to glamorize war though, but to record the horror. He once said, "The desire of any war photographer is to be put out of business."

A. Complete the following sentences using the words highlighted in the text. Two of those words are not necessary. [5x1=5]

a. Before the strong wind overturned her boat, the woman managed to come.........

  • ashore

b. After gaining a great deal of knowledge on programming language, the man ....... his own software firm.

  • set up

c. The dispute with the publishing company forced her to work as a .......... writer.

  • freelance

d. Despite having a healthy relationship with them, we............. their invitation to the marriage ceremony.

  • refused

e. The punitive action made the teenager develop a horrible............ towards the institution.

  • attitude

B. Read the text again and write

TRUE if the statement agrees with the information given in the text.

FALSE if the statement contradicts the information given in the text.

NOT GIVEN if there is no information in the text. 5x1-5

a. Robert Capa adopted his name because he wanted to become an American Citizen.

  • False

b All the images that Capa took in Omaha Beach were damaged.

  •  False

c. Capa was famous for his war images.

  •  True

d. Magnum photos was founded in Paris.

  •  Not Given

e. Capa wanted his works to show how dreadful war can be.

  •  True

C. Read the text again and answer the following questions. [5x1=5]

a. What is the original name of Robert Capa?

  • The original name of Robert Capa is Friedmann Endre Erno.

b. Why did Capa leave Germany?

  • Capa left Germany because of the rise of Nazism in France.

c. What evidence is given in the text to prove that Robert Capa was a frontline war photographer?

  • There are various pieces of evidence given in the text to prove that Robert Capa was a frontline war photographer. Following are some of them:
    • He built his reputation as a war photographer.
    • He took one of the most famous pictures, The Death of a Loyalist Soldier in the year 1936.
    • Capa went on to document many other wars.

d. What does the word 'This' in line 66 refer to?

  • The word 'This' in line 66 refers to an attitude of a photographer of getting close to the action to an extreme.

e. What is the purpose of this text?

  • The purpose of this text is to show the career of Robert Capa as a war frontline photographer and provide a lesson regarding the bitter reality of war.

2. Write short answers to the following questions based on the textbook. [5x2=10]

a) Mrs. Baroda told her husband she had overcome everything. What do you think she had overcome? (A Respectable Woman)

  • I think Mrs. Baroda had overcome her inner conflict which bothered her most of the time while Gouvernail was there as a guest. Here the statement is quite puzzling which shocked Mr. Baroda and even the readers.

b) Why does the guide take the tourist to the remote village? (The Half-closed Eyes of The Buddha and the Slowly Sinking Sun)

  • The guide takes the tourist to the remote village to find the harsh reality of people living beyond the scenario. He wants to see her the poverty and sympathetic elements of the beautiful country which was never talking in any novels or books nor seen by other tourists and neither captured by their cameras.

c) What is the theme of the story 'The old man with Enormous wings'?

  • The theme of the story 'The old man with Enormous wings' is human nature-related curiosity, greed and cruelty. It examines the human response to those who are weak, dependent, and different.

d) Explain the following lines with reference to the context: (Every Morning I wake)

And thou, I know wilt be the first

To see our best side, not our worst.

  • These beautiful lines have been taken from Dylan Thomas's religious poem "Every Morning I Wake". Here in these lines, the speaker has put forward the concept of the finest judgement of the almighty God. According to the speaker, God is omniscient (Knowing all) and knows perfectly about his children. The speaker has deep faith in the finest judgement of God. In the praise of God, he states that almighty God is the first who sees the best as well as positive aspects of all his children ignoring the worst aspects.

e) What is the difference between knowledge and wisdom, according to Russell? (Knowledge and Wisdom)

  • According to Russell, both knowledge and wisdom are different things. According to him, knowledge is defined as the acquisition  of data and information, while wisdom is defined as the practical application and use of the knowledge to create value. Wisdom is gained through learning and practical  experience, not just memorization.

3. Write long answers to the following questions. [2x5=10]

a) Justify the title of the story 'A Devoted Son'.

  • The title of the story "A devoted son" is so apt with the story. This story has mainly focused on the relationship between a father Mr. Varma and his son Rakesh. The story has shown the devotion of Rakesh towards his father. The story has presented the main character Rakesh as a very good son with full of manners. He always respects his family members. He passes his medical education in America and returns to his homeland for the sake of his family members. The act of marrying an uneducated village girl is also for the welfare of his family members. He only thinks about them though they feel surprised about his decision of marrying a village girl. He always remains faithful and honest toward his family members. He only provides them with a sense of pride in his achievements. He never becomes boastful and ungrateful towards his family members. He has tried a lot for his parents in his life. After the death of his mother, he has experienced hardships a lot. His father falls ill frequently and mysteriously. He tries his best to keep his father away from illness and weakness. He never steps back in the matter of his father's care. He only gives priority to his father's health. His father becomes angry with him but he never leaves his devotion toward his father. He remains honest, faithful and devoted to his father till the end.

b) According to a famous actress, men associated with theatre use the theatre actresses to make their estranged wives jealous so as to woo them back. Do you agree with her argument? Why? Why not? (A Mater of Husband)

  • No, I don't agree with her argument. These are very rare cases. Her statement is so fake and has less connection with the reality of men associated with the theatre. According to her, men associated with theatre use the theatre actresses to make their estranged wives jealous so as to woo them back. Here, we find that she gets blamed for cheating by Earnest Young Woman all of a sudden. To escape herself from that blame, she weaves a false story regarding entire men who are associated with the theatre. Not every man associated with the theatre has a timid, simple-minded and gullible wife. In the case of Alfred, we find a simple-minded wife. The Famous Actress is so cunning woman who has an immoral relationship with Earnest Young Woman's husband Alfred. Both Famous Actress and Alfred are cheating on Earnest Young Woman in the real sense. To convince Earnest Young Woman and save herself from the blame, she makes a so-called statement.
Class 12 English Model Question Solution, NEB Board Exam 2079

4. The bar chart shows transport preferences among young people in four districts in a single year.  Summarise the information in about 150 words by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

  • The bar chart shows transport preferences among Looking at the bar chart like this, what we can find out is that motorcycle riding is almost equal in all the districts. Motorcycles, about 75 percent, can be found to be the most used in Chitwan and Kathmandu districts, while 60 percent were found to be driving motorcycles in Pokhara and Biratnagar. Likewise, if we talk about cars, the districts with the most cars are Kathmandu and Chitwan. And then there is Pokhara district. According to the above bar graph, Chitwan district has the highest number of cyclists . Then Biratnagar and Kathmandu and Pokhara. Thus, by looking at the above bar chart, in which district, what percentage of vehicles can be used.


5. Your neighbours have recently written to you complaining about the noise from your house. Write a letter to your neighbours in about 180 words explaining the reasons for the noise; also apologise for the noise. [8]

Date: 2079/04/23

Koreanpur – 5

Nepalgunj Metropolitan

Banke, Nepal

I am very shocked to learn from your letter that the noise from my flat has been a source of disturbance for you and it has been spoiling your evening and causing distress. I am utterly regretful about that. I had no idea that the noise would reach your flat and cause you trouble. Please accept my sincere apology and I assure you that I will be more careful from now on.

As you may have guessed, I am trying to refit my kitchen in the evening when I get back from my office. Unfortunately, it is taking longer than expected and I have been having problems with getting things to fit properly. The banging and hammering must have created the cacophony and I should have been more cautious.

As the kitchen work is still not finished, I have decided to call a professional after reading your letter. I will instruct him to keep the noise level as minimum as possible and the work should be done in the next two or three days. I will make sure he works only during the daytime, so you will not be disturbed in the evening again.


I am really sorry to have caused you the problem. I request your forgiveness. Hope you will forgive me. Thankyou


Yours sincerely neighbour,

Dipak Kumar Pandey


6. During the Covid-19 Pandemic, all the educational institutions were closed, Write an essay in about 300 words on what technologies you used to help you in studies. Describe how it helped you. Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

The epidemic of Covid-19 has affected not only Nepal, but also all the people in the whole world. Due to its impact, it seems that there is a great impact in the educational sector as well. It has also had a great impact in Nepal. After covid 19, people were forced to stay indoors due to the lockdown all over the country. Because of that, in the situation where the class could not be conducted physically, I put all my efforts to continue my studies. I am a class 12 student and after my college was completely closed during the lockdown, I continued my studies through online. With the help of various websites, facebook, youtube, I started making notes according to my syllabus and started reading what I didn't know with the help of youtube and thus my class continued through online for some time. After all the colleges were closed, I was very worried about my studies because for some time I didn't know that you can study online, but later I heard from my college friend that you can study online like in class. After knowing, my friend said that I continued with my studies.

After reading much, I realised that the notes on social media are unique and useful. In addition, my school teachers also engaged me in online classes. I got various ideas about chapters from my school teachers and the rest notes from social media. Today’s technology has helped me a lot in my studies. Due to social media, I asked to my friends to send notes of different subjects. When my school resume, I submitted my note copies to my teachers. All of them became quite happy to see my tasks and even appreciated my hard labour. All credit goes to social media where I got unlimited support until class resumed physically. Also I would like to thank my classmate and teachers who helped to continue my study. After using this technology, I want to give advise to all the students to use it. All of them should try their best to spend their time on social media for authentic notes. I'm feeling so excited about my final board's result. I did quite well in my examination. All those important notes made my dream come true. I would like to suggest to all the students that they should try their best to seek out their best notes on social media.

What I want to say personally is that even though the college was closed due to the lockdown, the current new system did not affect my studies much. . And thus, during the lockdown, I studied and passed the exam using the technology and I am very satisfied with this technology.

7. Do as indicated in the brackets and rewrite the sentences. [10]

a) The reason Deepak has never had an accident is that he drives......than everyone else. (Complete the sentence with an appropriate adverb)

  • carefully

b) The herd of deer.... (run, runs) to the river. (Choose the correct option from the bracket to complete the sentence)

  • run

c) I am not interested............ buying a new car now. (Put the correct preposition in the blank)

  • in

d) Rita is already over two hours late. She ..............(should have/must have/will have/could have) missed the bus again. (Choose the correct option from the bracket to complete the sentence)

  • must have

e) By the end of this month, she............ in this organisation for fifteen years. (Complete the sentence using the correct form of the verb: work)

  • will have worked

f) Max finished..... (to do/doing) his homework and then he went to the party with George and Bill. (choose the correct option from the bracket to complete the sentence.)

  • doing

g) I still can't remember his house........ I've been there several times. (Put correct conjunction in the blank to complete the sentence.)

  • although

h) She is one of the few girls (who has/who have/who were) passed the examination.

  • who has

i) I resent people interrupting me when I'm speaking. (Change into passive)

  • I resent being interrupted when I'm speaking.

j) "Did you receive my email?" (Report this question with the reporting clause: The teacher asked ........)

  • The teacher asked if I had received his email.

8. Choose and copy the correct answer. [5x1=5]

a) Which of the following words does not have the prefix 'in'?

(ii) inactive

(i) independent

(ii) instrument

(iv) inability

  • instrument

b) Which of the following words has a diphthong sound?

(i) paternal

(ii) liquid

(iii) out

(iv) speed

  • out

c) Which of the following words has a different pronunciation?

i) so

(ii) sew

(iii) sow

(iv) saw

  • saw

d) What guide words would you look between in the dictionary to find the word 'CAMCORDER' ?

i) calf-camp

(iii) car-carry

(ii) campground-capital

(iv) cart-cat

  • calf-camp

e) I'm sorry, they aren't staying in this hotel anymore. They...... this morning.

i) checked in

(ii) checked out

(iii) checked on

(iv) checked off

  •  checked out


[Gandaki Province], Class 12 English Model Question Solution, NEB Board Exam 2079

The End


Class 12 English Model Question Solution, NEB Board Exam 2079


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